Direct flights from Can Tho to Phu Quoc
Currently, there are no airlines with flights between VCA and PQC, according to our knowledge.
Flight time is 50 minutes
Oh no, it doesn't seem to be any direct flights between Can Tho VCA and Phu Quoc (Phu Quoc) at the moment or in the nearby future. But try searching for flights with stop instead.
Bamboo Airways
No flights anymore
Vietnam Airlines
No flights anymore
Ended in Mar 2024
Can Tho to Phu Quoc flight departures
Select a date to see all scheduled flight departures between VCA to PQC.
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
No flights found.
(888) 559-5091:
Unpublished Flight Rates From Can Tho to Phu Quoc
Unpublished Flight Rates From Can Tho to Phu Quoc
Yes, you can take a direct flight from Can Tho (VCA) to Phu Quoc (PQC) with Vietnam Airlines or Bamboo Airways.
The flight time is 55 minutes. The distance is 119 miles or 191 kilometers.
The flight (QH2181) departs at 12:40.
Unfortunately you can't fly direct from Can Tho to Phu Quoc with Star Alliance.
Unfortunately you can't fly direct from Can Tho to Phu Quoc with One World.
Yes, you can fly direct with Sky Team member Vietnam Airlines.
Both Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways fly this route with the Airbus A318 / A319 / A320 / A321 aircraft.
Two airlines. Both Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways have non-stop flights to Phu Quoc.
Vietnam Airlines will begin with flights between Can Tho and Phu Quoc on 2023-03-26.
Domestic flights from Can Tho (PQC)
From Can Tho to Hanoi
HAN Noibai International
From Can Tho to Da Nang
DAD Da Nang
From Can Tho to Con Dao
VCS Co Ong Airport
From Can Tho to Vinh City
VII Vinh Airport
From Can Tho to Haiphong
HPH Cat Bi International Airport