Direct flights from San Jose Cabo to Ciudad Juarez
Currently, there are no airlines with flights between SJD and CJS, according to our knowledge.

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San Jose Cabo to Ciudad Juarez flight departures
Select a date to see all scheduled flight departures between SJD to CJS.
Unpublished Flight Rates From San Jose Cabo to Ciudad Juarez
Domestic flights from San Jose Cabo (CJS)

From San Jose Cabo to Mexico City
MEX Mexico City International Airport

From San Jose Cabo to Guadalajara
GDL Guadalajara International Airport

From San Jose Cabo to Tijuana
TIJ General Abelardo L Rodriguez International

From San Jose Cabo to Culiacan
CUL Culiacan International

From San Jose Cabo to Toluca
TLC Licenciado Adolfo Lopez Mateos International

From San Jose Cabo to Mexico City
NLU Felipe Angeles International Airport

From San Jose Cabo to Monterrey
MTY Monterrey International Airport

From San Jose Cabo to Leon/Guanajuato
BJX Guanajuato

From San Jose Cabo to Hermosillo
HMO General Ignacio P Garcia International

From San Jose Cabo to Mexicali
MXL General Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada International